W1 Platform - The Hollywood Blockchain

W1 Digital ID’s make Entertainment Content Ownership Clear, Traceable, Secure and Monetizable
W1 Content Ownership Authority and Rights can be Transferred, Traced and Monetized.
W1 Platform allows Users to have Full Control of a variety of entertainment content.
W1 Cloud Storage & DApps, as well as W1 P2P network connectivity, running on Blockchain, allow content producers and the entire community of users to securely connect and transact business worldwide, without any interference or need for permission of third parties.

Smart Contracts govern the terms and conditions of the transaction ─ They are Self-Executed and Enforced by Blockchain
When a pre-programmed condition is triggered with respect to any W1 Digital Assets (film, TV, music, games, sports, and other entertainment content), the associated W1 Smart Contract will autonomously execute the corresponding contract terms and conditions, including making payments, transferring ownership, granting rights, etc.
W1 Platform inherently benefits from the Decentralized features of Smart Web 3.0 Operating System, allowing for fast transaction processing while still having the full benefit of blockchain security and accountability.
Both Film Producers and Viewers stand to substantially benefit from W1 Smart Film Ecosystem, in ways that were never before possible.

W1 Digital Assets encompass Films / TV / Games / Music / Sports / VR / AR / and other entertainment content, and transform them into Securely Managed and Monetizable Entertainment Content. Transactions involving W1 Digital assets are programmable with W1 Smart Contracts.
On the W1 Platform and blockchain, users can register, own, publish, trade, license, circulate and exploit a variety of entertainment content.
Entertainment assets can be recorded in the system, and through their Digital ID they can be identified by all products, users, smart contracts and DApps. The actual Entertainment content will reside in distributed and decentralized cloud based storage systems, and can be securely downloaded or transferred according to the terms and conditions of the controlling Smart Contract. Inherent Interoperability of W1 Platform will allow access to a wide variety of global entertainment content, at a push of a button, for users all over the planet.
